Since 1964 wind instruments sale and repair

Professionalism and experience in the sale of musical instruments in Modena

Marchi Fiati was founded in 1964 following the separation of its founder Marchi Mario from Iori, the company he previously worked at, present in the area since the early 20th century.

Marchi Mario: father of the current director, Eros Marchi, Mario started helping his uncle, Enea Iori, at the age of 11. From Iori he learned many of the secrets of violin making, whilst simultaneously pursuing his clarinet studies at the Orazio Vecchi Musical institute in Modena.

The origins of our Modena-based company

At the age of 20 he went to work for Prestini, a well-known instrument manufacturing plant. In 1956, he returned to Iori, and working together with his cousin Orlando, they built up a widespread reputation with Italian orchestras and instrument suppliers, for wind instrument repairs, in particular for flutes.  
In 1964 he left Iori to set up his own company. In 1978 his son, Eros, went to University, graduating with a specialisation in acoustic physics. He decided to put his passion and his knowledge, in particular of the flute, at the service of his father.

Passing the baton in the 90s

From this moment on, Eros began taking a keen interest in all double reed instruments, especially oboes. In the space of a few years Marchi Fiati, became one of the most important centres in Italy for wind instrument assistance, and in particular for double reeds. In 1995 Eros Marchi was invited to lecture at the Imola Piano Academy, and for several months he held classes there in oboe repair techniques.
In 1996 Mario Marchi died prematurely at the age of 65. Eros’ cousin, Alessandro Braida joined the company in 1998 and in the same year, the business moved premises from its historic site in Viale Storchi to its new home in Viale Gramsci, the company’s current registered office.

A company in continuous growth

In 2006 Chiara Nadalini joined the staff.

Professionalism, passion, experience.

Almost 60 years of activity make Marchi Fiati the reference company for the sale, repair and hire of wind musical instruments in Modena.

Repair, adjustment, intonation and customisation of your wind instrument are our daily bread and butter. We work on oboe, bassoon, clarinet, sax, flute, piccolo and brass instruments.

Entrust your instrument to us with confidence: contact us for any information on how to repair wind instruments.

Get specialised advice from our musical instrument experts

Do you want to buy, repair or rent a wind instrument?

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