Clarinet sale, hire and repair


Marchi Fiati stocks a wide choice in clarinets with several examples available for the same model.

Customising of instruments and interventions for both mechanical and acoustic issues.

Custom calibration of your Clarinet

Marchi Fiati is a point of reference for clarinettists from all over Italy, offering assistance on all existing brands of clarinets. The most common jobs include:

  • Pad replacement using different materials (leather – goretex – evatex – cork – etc.) according to required acoustic characteristics. For particular needs, several different types of padding can be fitted
  • Thickness replacement
  • Needle and flat spring replacement
  • Custom registration. In order to obtain the maximum performance from a clarinet, it is necessary, in addition to a perfect adjustment of the pads, to adapt the balances and the opening of the different keys to the physical and acoustic characteristics of the instrument (chamber dimensions, positioning and diameter of the holes)
  • Intonation of the defective notes of the instrument
  • Any mechanical changes such as: articulation sol #, automatism Si ♭, p.vce – or other types of customisation aimed at improving the ergonomics of the instrument
  • Thick silver plating (50 µ) – yellow or pink gilding – rhodium plating – keys and columns
  • Cracks restoration and bush reconstruction, vent holes

Clarinet: the brands we sell

Professionalism, passion, experience.

Almost 60 years of activity make Marchi Fiati the reference company for the sale, repair and hire of wind musical instruments in Modena.

Repair, adjustment, intonation and customisation of your clarinet are our daily bread and butter.

Entrust your instrument to us with confidence: contact us for any information on how to repair your Clarinet.

Request specialised advice from our clarinet experts

Do you want to buy, repair or rent a clarinet?

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