Sax sales, rental and repair

Saxophones sales

Marchi Fiati is a reference point for saxophones in Modena.
In addition to the sale of saxophones, the Company offers instrument customising, intervening on mechanical and acoustic factors; depending on the kind of music to be performed, the instrument will require different set-ups. For the classical genre for instance, one can keep smaller key openings, in order to facilitate technique, while for genres such as jazz or rock, the openings cannot be too small as they have to be adapted to the mouthpieces which are generally more open and therefore require more venting. 
Clearly, the whole picture must always be balanced according to the needs of the musician who must choose the best combination of sound emission and technical agility, remaining within the parameters defined for each genre .To learn more about saxophones in Modena do not hesitate to contact us.


Our company carries out interventions of all kind on each existing model and brand. The most common jobs include:

  • Pad replacement, using original pads or pads with resonator of shapes and materials designed to obtain a certain timbral response
  • Thickness replacement
  • Needle and flat spring replacement. In special cases of excessive oxidation, stainless springs can be used
  • Replacement of axial screws with additional accessories for eliminating play in the keys
  • Personalised instrument tune-up
  • Retuning of defective notes where possible
  • Mechanical modifications aimed at improving the ergonomics of the instrument, or meeting the demands of those who may have physical/manual problems
  • Silver or gold plating of keys and barrels


Saxophones: the brands we sell

Professionalism, passion, experience.

Almost 60 years of activity make Marchi Fiati the reference company for the sale, repair and hire of wind musical instruments in Modena.

Repairing, adjusting, tuning and customising your saxophone is our daily bread and butter.

Entrust your instrument to us with confidence: contact us for any information on how to repair your saxophone.

Get specialised advice from our sax experts

Do you want to buy, repair or rent a Saxophone?

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