Repair of musical wind instruments since 1964

Professionalism and expertise in repairing musical instruments in Modena

The Marchi company was founded in 1964 following the separation of its founder Marchi Mario from the Iori company, working in the area since the early 20th century.

Marchi Mario: father of the current descendant Marchi Eros, he began his activity at the age of 11 with his uncle Iori Enea, from whom he learned the secrets of violin making, while at the same time studying clarinet at the Orazio Vecchi Music Institute.

Professionalism, passion, expertise

Almost 60 years of activity make Marchi Fiati the reference company for the sale, repair and hire of wind musical instruments in Modena.

Repairing, adjusting, tuning and customising your wind instrument is our daily bread and butter. We work on oboe, bassoon, clarinet, sax, flutes piccolo and brass instruments.

Entrust us with your instrument: contact us for any information on how to repair wind instruments.

Get specialised advice from our musical instrument experts

Do you want to buy, repair or rent a wind instrument?

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