Bassoon sale, rental and repair

Bassoons and Contrabassoons

Marchi Fiati is the main point of reference for sales and repairs of bassoons for all of Italy and throughout Europe, with its wide choice of different models for the same instrument, customising, and intervention for both mechanical and acoustic issues.

Bassoon repair and customisation

Our company can carry out any job on any existing model or brand of bassoon. The most common jobs include:

  • Pad replacement
  • Thickness replacement  
  • Needle and flat spring replacement
  • Eliminating “play”. This is necessary to ensure the perfect closure of the instrument, since keys with wide oscillation may have a different seal depending on where they are located
  • Axial and tailstock screw replacement
  • Customised tune-up, balancing and tuning. The bassoon is the instrument that is affected more than any other by the degree of openness of the different keys. Every single opening causes a change, not only of the single note position, but also of a wider range of notes and intervals. It is therefore essential to balance the openness of the different keys by having the instrument present in its complexity and not considering the individual notes separately
  • Mechanical modifications and customisations: The bassoon is definitely the instrument that needs mechanical modifications to improve its ergonomics more than any other, especially in relation to the physical characteristics of the player
  • Silver plating. The need to silver plate the keys of a musical instrument arises when wear and tear has eliminated the original silver plating, and laid bare the underlying metal; in this case, in order to avoid the rapid consumption of keys, the silver coating should be restored by applying a thickness of at least 50 μ which can guarantee key protection for at least a decade of use

Bassoon: the brands we sell

Professionalism, passion, experience.

Almost 60 years of activity make Marchi Fiati the reference company for the sale, repair and hire of wind musical instruments in Modena.

Repair, adjustment, intonation and customisation of your Bassoon are our daily bread and butter.

Contact us for any information on our Bassoon repair service.

Request specialised advice from our bassoon experts

Do you want to buy, repair or hire a bassoon?

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