Wide availability of wind musical instruments in Modena

Sale, rental and repair of wind musical instruments in Modena

Marchi Fiati offers customers a wide assortment of new and used musical instruments, offering bargains and promotions, Among the products offered:

Sale of items suitable for musicians of all levels

At Marchi Fiati we offer a wide range of musical items and accessories suitable for transporting, cleaning and maintaining wind instruments. Every case available in the store will allow you to comfortably transport your instruments without the risk of damaging them.

The company’s experts will always have advice and suggestions suited to the needs of musicians of all levels: you will be able to find instruments at a great price and items suitable for the most experienced musicians. We also ensure consultations and advice on the purchase of instruments and musical accessories perfect for people without any experience.

Rental of musical instruments

Our company’s service and repair of wind musical instruments can make your old flute, sax, clarinet or bassoon sound as good as new: the use of quality replacement parts also allows for total customization of the instrument to achieve precisely the sound you are looking for.

For all needs and emergencies, we offer the possibility of renting instruments equipped with musical accessories and Yamaha recording equipment: if you are inexperienced in the use of this equipment, the staff will provide you with all the necessary guidance.


Maintenance and repair of wind instruments

Do you need help with balancing, intonation, or repairing your bassoon? Do you need to replace the pads on your English horn or change the shims on an oboe? Do the keys on your clarinet need to be silver-plated? 

At Marchi Fiati, there is no repair or maintenance work that is not possible: the staff is also always available with perfect proposals and solutions to improve the performance of your instrument, with a price that is always affordable.


Professionalism, passion, experience.

Nearly 60 years in business make Marchi Fiati the company of choice for the sale, repair and rental of wind musical instruments in Modena.

Repairing, adjusting, tuning and customizing your wind instrument is our bread and butter. We work on oboe, bassoon, clarinet, sax, piccolo flute and brass instruments.

Trust us with your instrument with confidence: contact us for any information on how to repair wind instruments.


Get expert advice from our musical instrument experts

Do you want to buy, repair, or rent a wind instrument?

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