Fagotto Puchner 23

I fagotti Puchner modello 23 vengono realizzati in acero riccio di montagna stagionato almeno 20 anni

Curly mountain maple in dark-red finish, seasoned for over 20 years

Professional. Silver-plated mechanism,
automatic G ring key,
high-D key,
high-E key,
E-F# trill,
Eb key on wing joint,
whisper-key mechanism operated on wing joint and self-acting from low-E key, whisper-key lock for left thumb,
link between A and whisper key,
Ab-Bb trill key on boot joint for right thumb,
B and Bb keys on long joint held in by individual brackets;
13 rollers –
boot joint: one each on F key,
F# key little finger,
Ab key little finger and Bb key,
two each on low-E key and F# key for thumb,
one on Ab key for right thumb –
long joint: one each on C# key,
D# key,
low-D key and low-C key;
Five finger-holes and one tone-hole lined with sterling silver tubes extending into the bore,
one tone-hole rubber-lined, wing-joint bore and small-side boot-joint bore rubber-lined,
wide-side boot-joint bore partially lined,
nylon-lined pivot screw keys

Categoria Strumento Linea Strumento

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